Terms of Services
You are making a booking with the hotel directly.
Please review the booking and cancellation policies for the bookings. In case you make a change or cancel the booking, the cancellation penalties specified may apply.
You may be asked to furnish the form of payment and identification proofs during check-in.
Other inclusions not listed as a part of this booking may be chargeable.
Please note, our standard check-in time is 1:00 PM, and check-out time is 11:00 AM.
An early check-in or a late check-out is a matter of the availability of room.
Upon cancellation of refundable booking the refund processing will take time between two to four weeks to show the refund back on your credit card or bank statement by deducting bank or credit card charges from the advance. Reasons for the specified processing time are based on the processing time of the bank.
Hotel Policy
For security reasons, it is mandatory for the guest to provide government-issued address proof and photo ID.
The minibar is chargeable; items in the minibar are priced including 18% GST.
For online direct payment bookings, free individual travelers (FIT), and walk-in guests, it is compulsory to pay the full amount for the room at the time of check-in.
Check-out time is 11:00 hrs; after that, late check-out will be chargeable and subject to availability.
Visitors are strictly not allowed in guest rooms; you can entertain your guests in the lobby or restaurant.
Loud music, parties in guest rooms, or any kind of disturbances are not allowed. The management has the authority to take action accordingly.
For any lost key by the guest, charges will be applicable.
The management does not take responsibility for the loss of any valuables left in the room.
For any damage to hotel belongings, charges will be applicable as decided by the management.
Management has the final authority to deny accommodation if the guest does not agree with hotel policies.
Outside food is not allowed on hotel premises.
Smoking, drinking (alcoholic beverages), and tobacco use are strictly not allowed in the room.
Pets are welcome at the hotel; however, an additional charge of INR 600 per day, per pet, applies.
Triple occupancy is allowed only for family members or guests of the same gender; mixed-gender occupancy is not permitted.
Privacy Policy
This privacy policy sets out how we use and protect any information that the guest gives us when he uses this website.
We are committed to ensuring that the guest's privacy is protected. Should we ask the visitor/guest to provide certain information by which they can be identified when using this website, then the visitor/guest can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy strategy.
Magnus Hotels is committed to the privacy of everyone who accesses our website https://www.staymagnus.com/ only collects personal data about the visitor/guest as needed to provide them with outstanding service and to help process their request or provide them with information.